
Network Icon


Annual percentage rate (APR)


Kusama staking service
10% fee , 90% pure rewards
Auto-Payouts twice a day

  • Cosmoon - CmjHFdR59QAZMuyjDF5Sn4mwTgGbKMH2cErUFuf6UT51UwS

  • Cosmoon/2 - H8FCosmkRAgDevcgEppkgcmZLLurh3otcXsyeSZdWDHNJwf

Last update of the validator list: 11.11.2021

Frequently Asked Questions

Kusama is a public pre-production environment for Polkadot, one that allows any developer to experiment and test new blockchains or applications before releasing them on this network.

The Kusama staking reward is approximately 15%.

Our system automatically claims the reward twice a day

Yes, The Kusama network has a 7 days unstaking period throughout which your tokens will not be transferable.

No, there is no minimum stake at Kusama

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